Brian the Snail

Today's little bit of grafitti sparks a Magic Roundabout-fest. Located in the Seven Sisters Road, I've seen it there for the past 35 years, not sure whether it is meant to be Brian. Looking around for Magic Roundabout sites, I discovered there are some strange ones (what IS going on in that last photo?) but there are also normal ones.
posted by Ham at 00:02 --
Comments here: 7
Comments on "Brian the Snail"
That is so cool! I love that snail!
Well this is obviously something of British culture I've never seen. Thanks for the link!
Holy crap that roundabout is insane!
I really like your pictures of London. Your beginner’s guide How to blog is very helpful.
Jazzy Tuzla
I saw "The Magic Roundabout" and I immediately thought of Swindon, lovely Swindon. For those of us ('mericans) who are culture-challenged, which came first?
Thank you very much for the information about the roundabout in Swindon...I know we have to avoid that area now :) We spent a week in UK at the end of April (Tunbridge Wells) and the "classic" roundabouts were complicated enough for us.
Thank you too for this blog. I find it great and enjoy looking at it (nearly) every day. I've been to London maybe twice, when I was...younger, I really hope I'll come back again.
Funny the picture in your profile...there are other villages named "Le Ham" in France, did you know it ?
Have a nice day.
PS : Sorry for my bad English. I'm so sad I can't speak it fluently.
Scouter - Swindon came a long, long long time after anything else.
Lagan - glad you enjoy it, and no I hadn't realised there were others. I was recently in Trouville, saw the sign and had to detour. (BTW, your english is excellent)