Temple Bar
Over a year ago I posed the question, "Which London entrance marker isn't just a gryphon?" and failed to answer - it's high time I did. Here is Temple Bar, in Fleet Street. Victoria and Albert are inset in the pillar, surrounded by artistic and scientific imagery. This was the most famous of all London's gates, where taxes were paid and where, even today, the monarch pauses on their journey to the city.
More about the odd background of this place tomorrow.
See where: London Daily Photo Map
More about the odd background of this place tomorrow.
See where: London Daily Photo Map
posted by Ham at 23:49 --
Comments here: 8
Comments on "Temple Bar"
I took my photo of the monument from the other side, featuring Victoria Regina instead of Albert. I was standing in front of the thin brick building (just beyond the blue taxi). I had no idea what it was, and the guide book was no help. I'm still working to understand the difference between "London" and "Westminster" - not at all a natural thing for a Yank. It all looks like London to me!
Used to work in The Temple so this is a good memory for me, thanks!
Interesting picture and background story.
Abraham Lincoln
Brookville Daily Photo
My Website
Sorry to do this to you again (see Albert Bridge), but this isn't actually Temple Bar so much as a statue on the site of Temple Bar. The Bar itself was demolished to make way for traffic and reassembled at Theobald's Grove in Hertfordshire. But it has subsequently been moved back to London: not in its original site here, but to the immediate north of St Paul's Cathedral as the entrance to Paternoster Square.
Andy - we revel in confusing tourists, it's a national sport. Anyone that thinks they've made it, we get to pronounce the surname Cholmondeley (pronounced Chum-ley) or the like.
Lynn I can see you in those black skirts ;-)
Abraham Lincoln - I'd rather be looking at hummingbirds, though
Anon .... not this time you haven't: "More about the odd background of this place tomorrow" ... You'll just have to come back. Whoever you are.
Love the pictures. It's great to see something and think, "gosh, I know there," or, "oooh...I wonder where that is?"
Temple Bar is as much a location as it is a structure. It marks the entry to London City from Westminster. I can't count the times I passed this on my way to and from university - and I always took a(nother) look.
Speaking as a Yank, I don't know how long it took to learn to pronounce Islington, Marylebone, or Borough correctly (it's "buh-ra" not "bur-row"). Though I was able to get to the Walworth Woolworth's without much difficulty. Except it took me about two months to stop saying Elephant & Circus, instead of Castle.
And don't get me started on how long it took me to figure out the professor was saying Corollary (kuh-RAH-la-ree?!)
The statues in Temple Bar memorial are Queen Victoria and the Prince of Wales (later Edward VII), NOT Prince Albert. Also, the top of the memorial has a dragon, NOT a gryphon.