The Guildhall Art Gallery

For lovers of London, this place is a "must see", the pictures that take you through the history of London bring it to life in the way art can. This image, by the staircase down is one of my very favourites. It is by William Logsdail and depicts the Lord Mayor's procession in 1888. The quality of the image created is astonishing, you could spend all day looking at the hundreds of characters in the background, the quality is nigh on photographic. I've posted a small section of detail here, I would urge you to examine it closely. Unfortunately, although cameras are allowed this painting is behind glass and was almost impossible to get a usable image without reflection, I couldn't get the whole scene.
posted by Ham at 00:02 --
Comments here: 2
Comments on "The Guildhall Art Gallery"
Your link had a bit of extra, I think. It is an amazing picture!
Thanks! fixed now