The Battle of Cable Street

It's Sunday today, which Sebastien of Trier has declared "Graffiti Sunday", and Paris has had a few riots, too. So I thought I'd combine the two themes.
I was moaning the other day how little real passion there is in British politics, compared say to the French. But it was not always thus. In 1936 Oswald Moseley - England's very own fascist would-be leader - was in stirring up trouble. There was a showdown at a march in Cable Street, and the Police attempted to clear the way for the fascists to march. It turned into a full blown riot, and the good news is, the good guys won. This mural commemorates the event.
posted by Ham at 02:04 --
Comments here: 6
Comments on "The Battle of Cable Street"
This is a very interesting mural - wow!! Great shot of it too!
Hi Ham,
Beautiful mural. So much things to see on it... But by the way, where is Waldo?
Love it! The sentiments of the world on a wall.
KL Daily
wow cool!! I love this kind of protest-memory art!
pierre - lol!
Chris - never heard that - I'd be interested to hear an mp3 if at all possible
The event shown in the mural never happened......the mob never came to grips with the Blackshirts, just pelted the police with bricks...some hero's.