What's so special about this?

Well, you had to be there (Wells Street, W1) really, and I was. See that door in the middle of "SohoJapan"? It leads upstairs to some flats, including one where your very own Ham lived for a while back in the late seventies. The restaurant used to be Wolsey's Wine Bar, and the Barrow Poets used to congregate there, reciting and playing guitar until the early hours. The Pheasant Plucker's Song is probably their best known.
posted by Ham at 00:33 --
Comments here: 2
Comments on "What's so special about this?"
With the "Pheasant Plucker's Song" you have set the standard very I high. Associated with where I have lived in the past I guess I would have to go with "Amarillo by Morning" by George Strait.
The King's Arm at the corner...we have one with the same name and same look here in HK!