Who shelled out for this?
posted by Ham at 00:20 --
Comments here: 13
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Comments on "Who shelled out for this?"
I would love to learn WHY too. At first I thought they looked a bit like Pearly Huts, as per East End Pearly Queen and Kings!
what's on the inside? and it's very old but nice
From the Renaissance onwards it was quite common to make small grottos and houses covered with shells in gardens, could it be a leftover from passed times, some 19th century revival maybe?
Inside ? Most certainly where the gardener keeps the lawn mower.
This square has been re designed recently, in the last 5 years but always used to have a french theme. I remember when the grass and pathways had a Flear de Lille design.
Makes me think of a Lisboa "Palace" covered with shells and "azulejos"... weired to see this in London! Thanks a lot for the english course too! I guess I've found how to improve my english! I'll come by very often! If you went to Le Ham I guess you know how french are bad at speaking english!!! ;-) Merci! Je repasserai!
Oh ! So I'm not the only French speaking here ? Bonjour Céline ! J'aime bien aussi passer ici, parce que je découvre plein de choses et parce que c'est, pour moi, une manière amusante de perfectionner mon anglais :) (mon anglais qui est horrible)
Ham, isn't there any windows ? It seems to be dark inside.
Thanks a lot for explaining "Shelled out"...it's really a pleasant way to learn English here :)
Anonymous, what is a "Flear de Lille" ?
My lagan love - fleur-de-lis, je crois!
Ham - you find some great places. Never noticed this before on my travels.
I think that shells were very popular during Victorian times...not sure if there's a link, but...
Sally - now there's a thought!
kris - they look like workmen's huts to me.
ilva - they don't look that old, close up. Odd but not old.
Anon - exactly. I can't say I remember the fleur de lys
Celine - Je pense que normalement les Francais parlent meilleur anglais que l'anglais parle francais ! Peut-etre hollywood a quelque chose a faire avec ceci ?
Lagan Love - vous etes tres gentile (anon a voulu dire "Fleur de Lys")
Ems - thanks! its great fun doing it
Michael - shell and/or mirror decorated follies went well with victorian ideas of decoration, I just don't think this is that old
In Soho Square, thete is a a Tudor hut where the lawn mower is kept, and everyone referes to it as Kings Charles Hunting Lodge.
The net sqaure towards Hyde Park has a very nice statue of a dear and cheetah, closing for the kill.
Thank you, Ems and Ham, I understand now, Je comprends mieux "Fleur de lys"...
I've found more (interesting) informations about it on that page :
It seems that "Fleur-de-lis" is also correct.
Ham, your French is great. I'm always very glad (and impressed) to see that some Englishspeakers make the effort to speak that language, I know it's complicated. Congratulations for you and for Ems too :)
(But "Fleur de Lys" has nothing to do with "Fleur Delacour"...only joking, I couldn't help :))
Knock, knock, an other French...Your photo makes me remember something about an old English uniform with embroiders of little shells, but I can be totally wrong.But i'm sure that shells were used like money for a very long time!
C'est gentil Ham, it's really nice of you, but i'm not quite sure of that! I do agree with Lagan Love : foreigners speaking french is quite impressive! English is quite simple to learn if you're not looking for any honours!!! ;-) (but it does become harder when you want to be really good!!! And that's where i'm standing right now!) I'm working at it :-)