Boot fairs - and a happy ending

In and around London, up and down the country, for many years the boot fair has featured large. Flea market? no - nothing that interesting. But come rain come shine, people turn up to sell and buy - - - stuff.
And here is one such ... stuff. Doesn't the poor soul look apprehensive? What is going to happen to me? Have you ever seen such a worried hippo? The end of the story is here.
What are the flea markets called in your part of the world?
posted by Ham at 00:02 --
Comments here: 9
Comments on "Boot fairs - and a happy ending"
"Please don't sell me, please don't sell me" is all I can see on his face.
Thank god someone picked up that Hippo! I hope they straightened out his pyjama leg. I think that must have been what was worrying him so.
poor hippo~~
it really looks like a little bit poor...
hmm...actually i like the flea markets...we in chinese call it "tiao zao shi chang", it has the same meaning as "flea market".
nice post, poor hippo =)
in bosnian flea market is called 'buvljak'
Mr Hippo looks much happier now hes having a nice cuddle and being taken away to a nice warm home :)
I want one - and 50p - so cheap. That price would keep even my mum - the hardened car booter happy!!
That poor hippo looks petrified. A great picture!
I totally agree with you, that poor thing looks like an abandonned dog at the pound! I'm glad he found a new home, and I do, too, find the second picture much more reassuring. Maybe its new owner will buy him new clothes, too!
flea market is commonly known as PASAR MALAM ( Night Market)
Nowadays can be for day flea markets too!