No I won't get fooled again!

This shot is taken inside the The Who Shop, East Ham, and the Daleks are plastic, so no need to go and hide behind the sofa. This sort of shop is so typical of the esoteric, individualistic shops that used to proliferate in London, but are now few and far between.
Of course, I'm of that generation that can't think of a Who Shop, without thinking of The Who in general, and Who's Next? specifically. Now doesn't that bring back memories?
posted by Ham at 00:51 --
Comments here: 5
Comments on "No I won't get fooled again!"
Daleks and "Who's Next" in one post? Can life get any better?
Amazing album, really hard to believe that it's 25 years old. Daltrey's final scream in "Won't Get Fooled.." followed by the "Meet the new boss..." line remains my favourite rock moment.
Who's Next? Who's that? Exterminate! Exterminate! Gotta love the daleks! One questions: Are these old or or new generation? I want to know if stairs will stop them!! And if David Tennant will come save me ;)
actually i dont know The Who and The Generation. But I am glad now I know them all.
Absolutely - memories of hiding behind the sofa lol! Nice shot.