The Hogfather
posted by Ham at 00:14 --
Comments here: 6
A London photo every day. Some pictures will be there for their own sake, some because they are places you may like to see, all because they are part of what makes London what it is. Requests welcome!
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Comments on "The Hogfather"
Ah, c'mon! Maybe one or two more? Had to blog one more time before I fly away to mexico tomorrow afternoon!!
Have a great time in Mexico Kate!
Yes we'd all better stop now, Ham, as it's unlucky after twelfth night! Great to see this though.
OH! How funny! A manly man bike with a cutesy toy on the back. What a great sense of humor.
Shucks, no more Santa. Nice picture....
I saw posters for the Hogfather when I was in London, was it a comedy on TV?
hey, ask the man in red to send me a prezzie before he retires for the year!
James, the hogfather is a Terry Pratchett book, which has been made into a film. Synopsis here