Desolation Alley

London used to be full of car breakers: places you could go to clamber over a pile of cars four high to find that elusive bit of trim or pipework to repair your car with. These days, they have either been Health & Safety'd or priced out of existence. Shame really, because it was recycling at its most efficient.
This breakers yard is just inside the M25, near Dartford.
posted by Ham at 00:44 --
Comments here: 10
Comments on "Desolation Alley"
What a memory: I must have spent hours and hours of my youth, wandering around places like this looking for bits for boyfriends' cars. Heck, the cars probably came from the breakers and only cost them a tenner in the first place. :)
Nice story-telling all the different colors and juxtapositions of metal! ;) Good one HAM!
Oooh Pamela me too! Boyfriends, my brother and my Dad who has been into cars all his life. For my own cars too (I started off with an A35 costing a fiver) oh it was fun actually. Shame we can't get in anymore. Mind you, children can't throw snowballs either just in case they hurt themselves and oranges, well they're a dangerous fruit aren't they, they might choke on those lethal pips and everything. Don't get me started...
wow, what a site, great shot Ham.
The vehicle in the front looks like one of those old cameras!
Now that's a real London Photo! Onle the two Rotweilers are missing!
its incredible...
I thought I'd see snow in your photo today.
I don't why I have always been attracted to car breakers yards. When I was young there was one inside Paris (Pont du Garigliano) and I would stop almost everyday on my way home from school to have a look at the broken cars.
I know, it's weird!
Surprising that seemed to stike a chord with as many people as it has. It wasn't just me, then.
Chuckeroon - the dogs are there but out of shot, barking at my backside.
cathy - the snow wasn't there when I posted that!