The strangest thing

I've often seen fascias being conserved and built into new offices, but I can't recall having seen anything quite like this, where the old front just sits there. It isn't particulalrly remarkable, either, and it is in a narrow street just behind Artillery Passage. Ah well, it must have seemed a good idea at the time.
posted by Eric at 00:05 --
Comments here: 8
Comments on "The strangest thing"
Ha, I noticed that last week when out for a walk at lunchtime - truly bizarre. Good photo.
Are there any windows on the new building behind the old fascia?
Nice picture, it seems you are living in a totally different London because most the things you post I've never ever seen before.
Maybe it has something to do with preservation. I sometimes wonder, what the authorities consider as worthy for protection.
Tis strange indeed but i'm all for keeping history.
Ham, how about this for a long shot? ...a film company, worried about losing location shots paid for the keeping of the old facade? Hmmmm, doubtful. Well spotted...that's London CDP!
Thats the strangest thing. Its great that they saved it but still strange how they did it.
That'd look to be a seismic hazard in an earthquake zone... one good tremblor and the whole facade would come tumbing down.
Very odd. I imagine the view out the windows behind the face must be odd too.
Jonemo - thanks, that's sort of why I do the whole thing :-)
Maja - Hi! ;-)
Chuckeroon - filmscripts could be an alternative carrer?
John Nez - fortunately, London isn't in an Earthquake zone, but with global warming etc, who knows?