Urban Foxes

Foxes have adapted perfectly to London city life: with our wide open spaces and habit of leaving all manner of edibles out for the taking, we have creted a reasonable fox heaven. If they ever learn how to cross roads we could be in trouble.
They have no fear.
Not often I can poke my lens out my back door, but this sunbather in early spring sunshine was too good to miss. Drop in on London Daily Nature Photo for some great London Nature (check out the butterflies from a few days back)
posted by Ham-II at 00:33 --
Comments here: 8
Comments on "Urban Foxes"
Ham i'm so ENVIOUS of this photo! How fabulous is that? He's looking at you too. Bet you couldn't get the camera quickly enough. The composition and everything is just great, all that before he moved!
It's my birthday today Ham and i'm having (don't snigger) a virtual party at Cheltenham. Come. Champagne's on ice. he he.
One of your blog readers from across the pond here, Ham. With all this talk of using magic to post your daily photos while you're away, and being the Harry Potter fan that I am, I have to wonder: are you sure this is really a fox and not an animagus? He's looking directly at you and with an intensity I find rather eerie, actually. What an amazing shot. Nice one!
Good shot! Foxes can be really annoying though, especially when they take it upon themselves to strew the rubbish all across the road when your neighbour has been having fish and has gone through 16 eggs or something.
Happy Easter, Ham and tks for help in the past. Very nice photo of a hmmmm "nice" urban fox.
Truly excellent shot Ham.
We don't get a fox sunbathing on our shed roof anymore (or maybe I just don't get up early enough).....
amazing shot. I love how he (she?) is looking at you!
its really strange..I have never seen foxes in Budapest.
Unbelivable.. Fox in the city.. :) It is like Bears in Russia :D:D