Art for the Gormless
Are you feeling gormless? Does a deficit of gorm affect your life? Then we can halp you. Mr Gormley has spread his gorm across London's South Bank, so that you can appreciate him (and find out about his exhibition). Share and enjoy.
As you might have realised, yesterday's statue was one of the many castings Antony Gormley has made of himself and are placed around the South Bank. Like this one, by the side of the road on Waterloo Bridge, they are unexpected. For me, the art of an artist is to make you look at the world in a different way. and for me, these statues do just that - they make you think. Antony Gormley is most famous for his Angel of the North. More photos here and here
The London Daily Photo Map
posted by Ham at 01:20 --
Comments here: 5
Comments on "Art for the Gormless"
That is the BEST idea anyone has ever had!! GENIUS!
Excellent...thanks for reminding us that these were now in town Ham. I spent an excellent hour or so wandering around looking at them yesterday and a good ten minutes just watching people's reaction to the one on the bridge.
Nice one Ham (and Mr.Gormley!)
Oh, I'm very jealous - I really like Anthony Gormley, but have no way of getting to London for the next few months.
Same artist as those on a beach somewhere or other? Interesting.
Oh I hope I didn't pass you and not notice you! That's one of my favourite bridges! My campus is in Waterloo and I'm such a fan of yours!
But those statues are very eerie.