Bar Billiards

Friday night I went out for a bike ride with the friendly bunch of folks who are the Friday Night Ride. It's the best of urban cycling, which means that it involves strategic stops at interesting hosteleries.
One of these was the Pembury Tavern which has one of the remaining Bar Billiards tables I've seen in London.
London Daily Photo Map
posted by Ham at 01:09 --
Comments here: 10
Comments on "Bar Billiards"
I've never even heard of this, it's very interesting. It's a little like table-mini-golf...
ps. Can you drink n ride?
nice billiard table, i've never seen it ...
Excellent action shot. I've not seen one of those in a pub since I were a miscreant yoof!
Olive - I drink orange juice, ginger beer or the like on the ride. To my way of thinking, driving, cycling and alcohol are not good in combination although each is good in its place.
yanuarie - the beuty of this over pool as far as the pub is concerned is that the table can go into a very small corner, as you don't have to walk around the table. Also, the winner is always uncertain untill the last shot.
Nic - I suspect there are very few left. Fair took me back, I can tell you.
Bar billiards is far from dead in Sussex where inter-pub competitions thrive.
I don't know how you got on in your game Ham (probably scored around 1000); club players expect to be well up in the tens of thousands! There again, maybe I underestimate your prowess.
Yet another interesting lesson on British culture; thanks Ham! :) I'm not very good at pool (terrible actually - I play like a girl, like a girl who can't play pool), and I doubt I'd be any better at Bar Billiards.
When I was younger (boy, this was a long time ago :), I used to play bar billiards (very badly) in the Duke of Richmond. Maybe ask Chuckeroon if they still have it.
Calypso - I can't remember how I got on in my last game, it was probably 25 years ago. I'm the one =behind= the lens....
I haven't seen bar billiards for at least twenty years. A rarity indeed!
South Shields Daily Photo
I love playing pool very much. i have two pool table and these are transparent.