Nation shall speak peace unto nation
That's the motto of the BBC World Service. It's 106 Days since Alan Johnston's abduction and three days since the bomb vest video.
Sign the petition here.
This is the BBC TV Centre in Shepherds Bush.
See where: London Daily Photo Map
Sign the petition here.
This is the BBC TV Centre in Shepherds Bush.
See where: London Daily Photo Map
posted by Ham at 01:25 --
Comments here: 8
Comments on "Nation shall speak peace unto nation"
Nice shot of the BBC building, I have already signed the petition and hope it all comes to an end and he is home safe very soon
Hope so too, Ham.
So... did you manage to get a shot of our new Prime Minister for tomorrow's slot, or were you slinking off in the opposite direction, sick to death of it all? I'm banking on the former.
Sorry, Lynn, the latter.
I think that's simply "Nation Shall Speak Unto Nation" without the peace bit, which is right as the BBC World Service was immensely useful during WWII.
Helen, you may be right - that's the way I thought it was as well, until I checked the always reliable Wikipedia. I'll have to get down to Aldwych sometime.
Always reliable Wikipedia? Heh! When you go to Aldwych, can we have a picture of Bush House and of the elephants on India House? Woops, you may have had those already. I'll check back.
Number 12, Helen, number 12. Very appropriately, I've also gathered all the elephants together (see the link towards the top of the sidebar)
Thanks, Ham. I am covered in shame.