Wednesday, August 15, 2007

Get ready to party

Shot with Olympus E500
I was in Brick Lane on Sunday when I saw these guys setting out their stall. No, it's not a party for porrige oat eaters, its a costumed boat party on the Thames next Saturday, the 18th. You choose an animal that you want to be from the list on their site. The Arthur Dent lookalike is meant to be Noah.

posted by Ham at 00:02 -- Comments here: 9

Comments on "Get ready to party"


Blogger Cheltenhamdailyphoto said ... (00:02) : 

How intriguing Ham. And what will you be going as?


Blogger Michael Salone said ... (04:50) : 

I love this idea. I would have to be going as Viami Mice of course. Being from Miami makes it a no-brainer, but mice tend to survive most any natural disaster so I figure I'm safe.


Blogger Michael Salone said ... (04:50) : 

LOL Lynn...I see you as the 1-Legged Spider. What do you think. And Ham? You'll be what?


Anonymous Anonymous said ... (08:35) : 

That Noah reminds me of Jeff Lynne...Electric Boat Orchestra perhaps?


Blogger Ham said ... (09:07) : 

I think I'd have to be a duck hunter. Failing that, Roger deRabbit, Ant on Deck, Ant on Lesser, Lion Backfor-England, Panda Toomy-Wishes, all are possible. All I have to do is shed 25 years......

And Nic, yes he does, doesn't he.


Blogger Cheltenhamdailyphoto said ... (11:32) : 

A one-legged spider, Michael, is not pretty at all, as you well know, so no. I shall be going as a butterfly. So there.


Anonymous Anonymous said ... (11:45) : 

Amazing what is happening. Nice shot.


Blogger IntangibleArts said ... (14:15) : 

How disappointing that it isn't actually an OAT party. The costumes would be terrifying...


Anonymous Anonymous said ... (18:03) : 

Gold Star to Ham for the pic.
that's a free ticket for you!
Go and pick your costume from the sight:

let us know what u wanna come as.

Noah x


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Name: Ham Location: London, United Kingdom View my complete profile