Juno: The Movie
The film itself was very good - in turns amusing, poignant and laugh out loud funny to a great musical accompaniment. It's not just the Ellen Page, the lead, who turns in a great performance, but most of the supporting characters succeed in adding extra dimension. It seems to deserve all the accolades it's been getting. Go see when you get the chance. One review here, many more about if you look.
Well gosh. David Bailey one day, a private screening the next.... I wonder what could be coming up tomorrow, not a prizewinning artist, surely? (and don't call me Shirley)
Other bloggers who were there and reviewed include Jag of Route 79 and Annie Mole of Going Underground
posted by Ham at 00:36 --
Comments here: 8
Comments on "Juno: The Movie"
aka Blue Witch, before Blogger refused to let me be anything but 'anonymous' because I don't have one of their accounts...
Ah, so you got offered the free ticket in exchange for blog review deal too then? ;)
Hi Ham, didn't know you were there as well, otherwise I would have looked out for you. I liked it too and have done a review linked to from today's blog post. All the best, Annie
Hi Ham. For one moment I thought that was the top of my head in the foreground of the picture, but on, er, reflection I think it's the guy in the seat in front of me. Nice to chat to you last night.
Hi Annie too. We met very briefly at some basement blogmeet three or four years ago. Sorry I didn't recognise you this time!
And yeah, when did Blogger change its comment thingy so I can't include my URL any more?
Hello Ham, so you were the one with the proper camera taking a proper picture at the back of the auditorium! I took one on my moby! Pity I didn't make the connection otherwise I'd have come up to say hello properly!
Well maybe next is you coming over to Chelt to see who I met! he he
Ham, You mix in all the right circles!
BW - Blogger have broken quite a lot lately, including the auto-email of comments, which is how I kill spam. I hope they fix it soon.
Annie - I hope it wasn't you I kept on kicking :-)
Hg - mutual. and blogger will have to fix this. If they don't they will start to look too much like yahoo for my liking. And I don't like them.
Jag - Yep, that's me with the camera..... (surgically implanted)
Lynn - hear that noise at the door?
Marley - oh yes! (for a suitable inducement)
Yes i do! Great you could make it... Do meet my guest, Mr. Michael....!