April City Daily Photo Theme Day - 'Edges

It's the first of the month, which is another in the worldwide City Daily Photo theme days, and the theme this week is 'edges, and this is my favourite 'edge in the 'ole of London. Click here to see how others around the world interpret the theme.
posted by Ham at 00:02 --
Comments here: 9
Comments on "April City Daily Photo Theme Day - 'Edges"
It took me a second to get the pun, Ham! I would love to know where this is as I will be PHX-LHR for the month of April.
Any chance I can meet you? I will have Mr. PHX with me April 20th.
LOL Oh this is such a great post to the theme Ham.
Clarence Valley Today
Aha, as a French girl I'd thought of using "hedges" as a theme rather than "edges" - misplacing H's is such a common mistake the French make when they speak English. That would have been good as an April fool prank too
I haven't found a suitable hedge to show. Yours is beautiful and I love that it follows your recurrent elephant theme. Well done Ham!
Is this your place?
what an unusual efalunt - reminds me the topiary efalunts outside the zoo in Tenerife.
A cleaver play on words...
That headgy elephant seems to really be hanging over the EDGE!
Very clever. It is a wonderful 'edge.
Great shot, great hedge!