posted by Ham at 00:02 --
Comments here: 5
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Comments on "pBooks"
Less bookshops than there used to be?
Really? I was in London over ten years ago, and Charring Cross Road delighted me.
I'm afraid so, the last ten years have seen a number of casualties. (And I should sometimes read what I've written, at least I managed to correct it before anyone else pointed it out)
There are, indeed, fewer bookshops in Charing Cross Road. Murder One has closed and so have two more in the last couple of years. One has moved but is still there and Any Amount of Books is going strong. That's the one the picture is from, isn't it?
As one who spends so much time on the computer you'd think I'm a fan of eBooks, but it's not so. I guess I'm old enough (Ham's age!) that I just associate the tactile and even olfactory sensations of paper and ink with reading. Not even the iPad changes that.
When I used to commute to St Albans from London Bridge everyday I would go through at least 3 books every 2 weeks. I have to admit I wasn't a great friend to the small shops, because I'd usually end up at Waterstones for their buy-one-get-one specials.
Well, while I have been indisposed My Kindle has been a lifesaver, or at least sanity saver. I've chewed my way through about 40 odd books over the last six weeks, and found a couple of decent authors along the way (found rather more mediocre ones).