posted by Ham at 00:02 --
Comments here: 4
A London photo every day. Some pictures will be there for their own sake, some because they are places you may like to see, all because they are part of what makes London what it is. Requests welcome!
Raising funds for Breast Cancer Care
Comments on "Whoopsie!"
This may be art... however, the way the horse is position (with its two feet on the ground and two in the air) it also means the rider - no matter how silly he looks - died in battle.
I knew it meant something. :)
St Paul on the road to Damascus ... And the "died in battle" thing is a myth ...
Snopes has a good treatment on the "died in battle" legend.
It is, indeed, St Paul before he became Paul, blinded on the road to Damascus. Given what was happening neither the horse's nor the rider's reaction is all that surprising.