An Eggcelent Idea?
All around London you will see these eggs - all part of the Big Egg Hunt - there are 209 of them, and you are encouraged to collect as many as you can - each entry gives you a chance to win a real Faberge Egg. And of course... the money goes to charity, so it must be good, right? Well, as your entry costs a minimum of £3.25, I thought I'd poke around the website to see how much the charity gets. I quote: Does the charity receive my money? For each 25p text the Promoters will receive at least 10.3p between them, depending on the network provider. For each £3 initial entry the Promoters will receive at least £1.72 OK, they would get nothing otherwise but still.... Doesn't seem good value to me, I'd rather give direct to the charity myself.
posted by Ham at 00:02 -- Comments here: 2
Comments on "An Eggcelent Idea?"
"...rather give direct to the charity myself."
Ha Ha -- That's a good one. I've seen a bunch of these around Covent Garden, but none in an egg cup like this.