He shoots... he scores!!!!
Blind five-a-side footbal is different from teh normal game. This game is played with blind footballers and a ref that CAN see, as opposed to the normal game.
Actually the difference is that in the blind version, the goalie is sighted, there is no offside and there are unlimited substitutions. In addition, a player coming in to tackle must shout "Voy!" (spanish, I'm coming). That's it. This game should be impossible, with only the gaolie, a guide down the far end and the coach to shout instructions and a ball with a bell, you should not be able to run, tackle and shoot.
If you ever get a chance, go to watch a game, it is an education.
This is TEam GB playing off against Turkey for 7th place, GB won.
posted by Ham at 00:02 --
Comments here: 3
Comments on "He shoots... he scores!!!!"
sorry - I have to ask - is that Darth Vader behind the pink fence?
Brilliant! I hadn't noticed him before ;-)
WOW! Congratulations GB:-) That would be a game to see!