A Smoker's Life....
posted by Ham at 00:02 --
Comments here: 4
A London photo every day. Some pictures will be there for their own sake, some because they are places you may like to see, all because they are part of what makes London what it is. Requests welcome!
Raising funds for Breast Cancer Care
Comments on "A Smoker's Life...."
They can't even be "greeters" anymore. Mpst places in The States don't even allow them to stand outside the door for their precious puffs. Some even insist they leave the property, much like this woman appears compelled to do.
But it looks like a nice day to be "kicked to the kerb."
For some reason, I find that photo vaguely disturbing. A story of our time?
I remember the top deck smoking because as a child I hated it, but the urge to sit at the top front was too great!! Now I get to induge that please smoke-free!
Some places provide a little seating area for smokers, but I never see anyone using the ones I know about, because they mostly stand near the doors! Presumably it is too far a walk to bother with!
I smoked for years and quitting was one of the hardest things I've ever done, but I'm glad I did it. When I visited London in '99 it seemed like everyone smoked but me. I never thought I'd see anyone put outside there for smoking.