A Faraday Cage

Or more accurately, a Faraday Hut.
At this stage, it would probably to benefit you to know about Trinity Wharf:
The Corporation of Trinity House was an association of shipmen and mariners dating back to the reign of King Henry VIII. They were a granted a royal charter in 1514 and received its coat of arms in 1573 along with the authority to erect and maintain beacons, markers and signs of the sea.
Of course you knew that Michael Faraday discovered electromagnetic induction, without which we wouldn't have generators. But you probably didn't know he was Scientific Advisor to Trinity House nearly thirty years. This hut sets out to recreate what his working conditions would have been like and provide information.
posted by Ham at 00:02 --
Comments here: 2
Comments on "A Faraday Cage"
That's fascinating. I'm enjoying this wharf series.
I have to agree! And this picture makes me feel like I am
touring around with you and just peeked in, looking over
your shoulder.
- Nancy, Washington State, USA