The Grand Old Duke of York
He had 10,000 men, d'you know? This is the Duke of York Monument off the Mall, with the Duke of York on the top; I've never known the viewing platform to be open, bit of a shame that - could be a candidate for Open House? He must have been popular with the soldiers, though, for all the futile marching, as they voted to donate a day's pay to construct this monument. Not the easiest thing to photograph, the rain helps.
Edit: Thanks to Hazeln for the pointer to Ian's story
posted by Ham at 00:02 -- Comments here: 3
Comments on "The Grand Old Duke of York" I thought I'd read another post about this fairly recently.
My wife is involved with Open House here in Melbourne and globally. She knows the Director of London Open House well. I'll get her to pass on your suggestion.
Climb the stairs to the foot of the column, take a few paces left and find one of London's strangest curios: the grave and shrine to Giro the Nazi dog. He belonged to von Ribbentrop when the German Embassy was here pre-WW2.