The Golden Hinde

And today we have the Golden Hinde, Sir Francis Drake's galleon in which he sailed around the world, pillaging in the name of the Tudors. It is in a dock just by Southwark Cathedral.
This ship is a reconstruction, but it has sailed around the world and covered 150,000 miles, so I suppose that's OK then. But compare this war vessel to the Tea Clipper yesterday - this is a third the size but carried twice as many men. If you have read any historical fiction about the Royal Navy, such as Patrick O'Brian's, it is entirely fascinating to come here and see the words come to life. It is very hard to imagine what it would have been like for about 100 men to live on this 70 foot boat.
posted by Ham at 00:10 --
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Comments on "The Golden Hinde"
Delighted to have found this site - what a treat!
This one one of the first things I ever saw in London on a college trip about 8 years ago.
Found your blog the other day and now check your pictures every day!
cheers steve
Glad you like it! Always encouraging to hear that there are people out there.