Neal's Yard reprise

While we're back in Covent Garden, you may care to visit the salad bar. You may think "Hey, what a great place" and you'd be right. But then you wouldn't know anything about the flour mill and bakery that used to be here, twenty five years ago. There still is a Neals Yard Bakery - just not in Neal's Yard. That's progress.
posted by Ham at 00:02 --
Comments here: 7
Comments on "Neal's Yard reprise"
Interesting display of masks. Are they there to keep away bad customers and officials from the local council?
What a colourful place this is
Great photo and i'd love to pop in there some time. Bet the salads are wonderful, did you eat there?
I really like their food here, though it's a bit on the pricy side (I'm a student!). You need to check out the frog in the toilet :)
Neal's Yard is one of my favourite places in London. I'm yet to find anywhere quite like it in Glasgow.
I really like Covent Garden, I went there last year when I was visiting the UK. Keep up the nice work.
Interesting place. I love all the colors!
I like the atmosphere of this shot.