
Friday, June 08, 2012

Stratford Past & Present - Landscaping

This area here was a flat, barren, desolate space. Using some of the soil from teh Olympics build, the area has been transformed. With a scattering of wild flower seeds, it is even quite pretty.

If you were expecting Jubilee photos, I apologise - I managed to book a holiday away before realising quite when. In the meantime, photos continue in my absence if Blogger behaves.


  1. Not expecting Jubilee photos - refreshing to have something a little different from them (though I did love the very damp and British jubilee, of course...)

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    Read a lot of blogs specially interesting ones like your blog, Good post! I accidentally found your site on the internetOnline Modern farming System

  3. AnKa18:53

    I really enjoy your Stratford series, as I'm living here too and it's fun to see what you discover. Where was this photo taken? Is it part of the Olympic park?


Sorry verification is here to stay .... a short experiment without showed it is neeeded