
Thursday, July 12, 2012

Arnold Circus

It's not very often I watch TV, but I caught a program "The Secret History of our Streets" which fascinated me. The subject this week was Arnold Circus, how it came into being and how it has changed over the last 120 years. Let me whet your appetite: It was the first Council Housing Estate in the country; built with sufficient homes to house all of the slum dwellers that had lived there previously, none did.

You can watch the program for the next seven days here, I recommend it wholeheartedly.


  1. What's the best way for a Verizon FIOS subscriber in North Texas to watch BBC2? We DO get "BBC in America."

  2. CornishCockney11:31

    I've been following this series but recorded last night's.
    Isn't that the area in which "A Child of the Jago" was set? An fascinating book, well worth the read.


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