
Monday, April 01, 2013

Arteillery Row Bakery

These lovely cameo are all that remains from a bakery that was built soon after the first war. You can't see it, but inside, the floors used to slope to help the movement of flour. There used to be pictures of it being built hanging inside, but they too have gone.

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for this. I've been wondering about those cameos.

    The bakery building is not on Artillery Row, though, it's on Widegate Street. I know this only because I spent two weeks in an apartment in that very building this past May (2014). The entrance is between the bakery building and the King's Arms, which is in view, on White Rose Court.

    Here's the bakery from another angle and the King's Arms" from the other side.

    I found your blog a few weeks ago and am slowly working backwards, though I see that there hasn't been an update in nearly a year.


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