A London photo every day. Some pictures will be there for their own sake, some because they are places you may like to see, all because they are part of what makes London what it is. Requests welcome!
Sunday, May 05, 2013
Getting a message across
Not just what you say, but how you say it. A while back when UK police forces first tried out slogans, they came up with things like "Fighting Crime Everywhere" and were surprised when people just heard "Crime Everywhere" and became less not more reassured. These days they stick to a positive message like this. First prize for snappy slogan of the century goes to Avon & Somerset "Avon & Somerset: Working Together to Make the Communities of Avon & Somerset Feel Safe and Be Safe" - I suspect T-Shirts down in cream tea land must come in XXXXL.
Perhaps Avon & Somerset shirts come with tags in fine print!