The Blitz

Yesterday's post reminded me of the Blitz, and made me think what that part of London would have looked like afterwards. History long buried was reborn and whole areas flattened.
This photo of St Paul's surrounded by smoke is one of the most iconic photographs of the time, I imagine recognised instantly by any Londoner. It was the firemen that saved London then, and this memorial, just south of St Paul's is to honour those 1,027 who died carrying out their duty.
Here is a page of firefighter's history in the blitz.
posted by Ham at 00:02 --
Comments here: 5
Comments on "The Blitz"
This makes me want to visit London, rent an apartment and go photoing!
Just started another daily photo site:
As an Expat living in London I have always been fascinated by how the city withstood The Blitz. This post reminded me of that.
...and your site has inspired (and instructed) me to create my own little photo-blog with a not so conventional angle.
Ray's Imaginary Friend
My Father served as an AA gunner on Shooters Hill. Last Summer I went up there to see it. There are fantastic views over London and especially the East End the docks. You can see why the gun site was placed exactly there. From that site you can also see Eastwards to the site of the Ford Motor works and all the other strategic sites. With all the fighter stations closely bunched around, plus the largest and most powerful gun site in Britain so well placed I estimate that the German airmen had a very nasty experience. They, too, were brave.
Interesting, Ham.
When you have a min, pop over to Adelaide DP i'm wondering if you agree with my comment there on public barbecues in parks - apparently everyone leaves it clean for the next person - i just can't imagine it being done here without it being defaced and urinated on within a few hours.
Interesting point of view!