Theme Day - Streetlights
Here are the other sites that have said they will be posting on the theme, but due to time zone differences they may not yet be available. Gosh, aren't there a lot?
Seattle (WA), USA - Twin Cities (MN), USA - Cleveland (OH), USA - Menton, France - Monte Carlo, Monaco - Singapore [Keropokman] - Boston (MA), USA - Mexico (DF), Mexico - Kajang (Selangor), Malaysia - Mainz, Germany - Evry, France - Port Angeles (WA), USA - Sequim (WA), USA - Maple Ridge (BC), Canada - Nottingham, UK - Toulouse, France - Wassenaar (ZH), Netherlands - Manila, Philippines - Mumbai, India - Montpellier, France - Bellefonte (PA), USA - Stayton (OR), USA - Moscow, Russia - Paris, France [Jeremy] - Saint Paul (MN), USA - Austin (TX), USA - Lyon, France [DJPhil] - Stockholm, Sweden - Hyde, UK - Hong Kong, China - Joplin (MO), USA - Seoul, South Korea - Chandler (AZ), USA - St. Louis (MO), USA - Arlington (VA), USA - Anderson (SC), USA - Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia - Villigen, Switzerland - Sydney, Australia - Selangor, Malaysia - Montego Bay, Jamaica - Norwich (Norfolk), UK - San Diego (CA), USA [Zentmrs] - Bandung (West Java), Indonesia - Albuquerque (NM), USA - Melbourne, Australia [John] - Nelson, New Zealand - Quincy (MA), USA - Kyoto, Japan - Tokyo, Japan - Bend (OR), USA - Wellington, New Zealand - New Orleans (LA), USA - Cypress (TX), USA - Nashville (TN), USA - Bucaramanga (Santander), Colombia - Detroit (MI), USA - Saigon, Vietnam - Selma (AL), USA - Phoenix (AZ), USA - Miami (FL), USA - Arradon, France - Sheki, Azerbaijan - New York City (NY), USA - Inverness (IL), USA - North Bay (ON), Canada - Melbourne, Australia [Michael] - Port Vila, Vanuatu - Tenerife, Spain - Auckland, New Zealand - Forks (WA), USA - Rotterdam, Netherlands - Chateaubriant, France - Madison (WI), USA - Wailea (HI), USA - Orlando (FL), USA - Saint-Petersburg, Russian Federation - Ajaccio, France - Baltimore (MD), USA - Crepy-en-Valois, France - Rabaul, Papua New Guinea - Budapest, Hungary - Lyon, France [Cedric & Angelique] - Saarbrücken, Germany - Adelaide (SA), Australia - Le Guilvinec, France - River Falls (WI), USA - Stavanger, Norway - Naples (FL), USA - London, UK - La Antigua, Guatemala - Philadelphia (PA), USA - Montréal (QC), Canada - Paris, France [Eric] - San Diego (CA), USA [Felicia] - Truxillo, Peru - Haninge, Sweden - Prague, Czech Republic - Oslo, Norway - Grenoble, France - Shanghai, China - Toronto (ON), Canada - Durban, South Africa - Zurich, Switzerland - Cape Town, South Africa - Singapore [Christopher]
posted by Ham at 00:12 --
Comments here: 14
Comments on "Theme Day - Streetlights"
Very, very nice--the B & W! Happy Theme Day!
A timeless photo of London I think. Nice.
This is a classic from London.. and I like it!
It's very nice, I like this. :)
Greetings from
Oslo Daily Photo
This shot really captures feel of London.
-steve buser
New Orleans Daily Photo
oh the lights of London town
a classic picture indeed
A clever way to interpret "street lights" Ham. But we all knew you were clever! Good choice...
I love this photo: slick, beautiful, classy.
As always - perfect photography and creative photo for the theme.
I agree with Nic. This is a timeless photo of London.
I love this photo. It looks like something out of an old movie :)
Very classy.
very nice photo....I really like it and the black and white makes it spectacular.
Damn - wish I spotted this earlier to point out your omission that they are actually still GAS lights and not eletric.
Still a nice photo.
Peter - I've been there. I may be wrong, but I've made it a sort of unwritten rule not to repeat myself.