They are bringing the curtain down....

...On the Theatre Museum which is closing forever on 7th January, and a small bit of eccentric, less than perfectly glossy, London will be lost forever. It's never been crowded when I've been in but they do have some fascinating stuff. It will probably be replaced with some slick tourist experience or a restaurant.
If you can, pop in and see it before its too late. And yes, it is free.
Seems City Slicker featured this a while back.
posted by Ham at 00:00 --
Comments here: 11
Comments on "They are bringing the curtain down...."
Oh that's sad... i imagine there have been efforts to save it as its present use?
oh,no, sad news.
why close it??anyway, i hope all the stuffs in the museum could find a good place to keep.
This is a shame. I learnt of the closure from City Slicker's blog .
Shame. The Theatre Museum's an endearing reminder of how museums used to be, and well worth a final visit by anyone who's never been.
That's sad... But I really like this picture, the curtains are impressive !
I think that there are several bloggers that would like to see this museum, and I'm one of them. Photo is very eye-appealing!
Read the blog and pop in the link, it's sad that it's closed now. The photo is lovely by the way.
Ham: Breastfeeding note at post below.
No, that wasn't a secret code for Russian Agent Ham (topical, topical).
I wonder what will replace this venue and what they'll sell? um... overpriced teddies in red, white and blue? union jack t shirts saying where your dad visited and what he only brought you back? Clear perspex boxes containing nothing, labelled London Air and priced a tenner (most things are)? Perhaps it'll be called CapitalCrapRUs. Do let us know.
Beautifully intimate portrait of this museum in its final hour....
Oh, that's REALLY sad. I loved this museum. Loved it. Spent hours in there, and have recommended it to my London-bound friends.
BUGGER, bugger, bugger. Why do the good things disappear.
Just like the wonderful Museum of the Moving Image at Southbank disappeared. You could pretend to be a Dalek.
I've never been to this museum and your picture make me sorry about that.
Beautiful shot.