Reclaim the Night
Well, here's a bit of a first, using someone else's photo. The reason? Her coverage of the Reclaim the Night demo. I think it is entirely shocking that when my 20 year old daughter asked me "Will it be safe for me to walk" to our nearest town at night, in what must rate as a fairly average London area, I found myself unable to give a cheery, "yes, you'll be fine". It really shouldn't be like that.
With the recent student protest, I've been reflecting on demos lately and the undercurrent of violence that seems to rise to the top so very, very quickly these days. This kind of public demonstration, expressing a point loudly, clearly for all to see is what protest should be like. More people need to see and hear about it, so I thought the photo exception was warranted.
posted by Ham at 00:02 --
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