What a way to propose !?

I was walking behind Southbank yesterday (this is in Secker St, SE1) when I saw this - I don't really know what to think. On the one hand, it is original. I haven't heard of that many marriage proposals strapped to a lamp post. On the other.... well, make up your own mind. Here is an image you can read. There is a note at the bottom (after "Fox X x X") which says "To the local council, please leave up for five days". Why was it five days? Could there have been a different suitor each of those five days? It would have reduced the production costs at least. Might he have been unsure where the object of his affection was? And then, there's the text. Obviously heartfelt, but one might have though that with the professional production, he would have secured the services of a copywriter. For me, though, the thing that made me smile was that it is placed in a dead end street.
Ah well, so much for cynicism. I wish "Fox" well, and hope he gets the happiness he seeks.
posted by Ham at 07:59 --
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